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Quai du Dr Gailleton, evening, Lyon

IMGP7038-fb-38.jpg View of the vineyards above Vienne from Saint-Romain-en-GalЕскізиVines seen through trees, BeaujolaisView of the vineyards above Vienne from Saint-Romain-en-GalЕскізиVines seen through trees, BeaujolaisView of the vineyards above Vienne from Saint-Romain-en-GalЕскізиVines seen through trees, BeaujolaisView of the vineyards above Vienne from Saint-Romain-en-GalЕскізиVines seen through trees, BeaujolaisView of the vineyards above Vienne from Saint-Romain-en-GalЕскізиVines seen through trees, Beaujolais